• Midtown Mobile: (251) 706-8170
  • West Mobile: (251) 342-8900
  • Midtown Mobile Office
  • West Mobile Office
Friendly reminder our offices will be closed Thursday Nov. 28 and Friday Nov. 29th.

The Parent Page

Parenting!  What’s it all about?  Many of you have parents of your own or siblings that have shared their experiences of becoming a parent.  Information overload?  While this information from those you trust is great to know, at Mobile Pediatric Clinic we have experience with children and adolescents of all ages and want to share with you too!  This page is here to provide you with the most up-to-date information to guide you on this road we call parenthood!

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Recently at Mobile Peds

Parent Resources

From asthma to immunizations, find out more about what the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends for your child’s health. You’ll gain access to a wide variety of information on developmental stages, safety, and advocacy for babies, children, teens, and adolescents from the AAP.

Covid-19 Resources

Flu Resources